2024. Returning to America to photograph the Mustangs.
Twenty five thousand kilometers through twenty four states, in search of the Mustangs, photographing them where they could be found on any given day. From California to Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Missouri, over to the south east, Georgia, Alabama back to New Mexico, Utah and Arizona. The BLM, rounded up many of the Mustangs on the open range, limiting the photographic opportunities. I also visited the Wild Horse Sanctuaries, ranches in the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Wind River of Wyoming.
The photographic journey continues. In December of 2023, I travelled to the North Island of New Zealand to photograph their free roaming horses. Visiting Aripara, Pukenui and Spirits Bay, I came across many horses, which I spent some time photographing.
Wild Horses the Mustangs, a photographic journey.
By Mark Buttsworth.
It is a hard cover 100 page Coffee table book, now available from the Blurb Bookstore, through Blurb Publishing. It is a standard landscape book, 25 x 20 cm. It can be viewed at www.blurb.com/bookstore
A journey photographing the Mustangs in the American west.
The Brumbies and the Mustangs.
Visit the store to see the wild horse images.
They are high resolution JPG images, which are NOT permitted to be used for commercial or financial gain nor edited or altered. COPYRIGHT 2023
The images look wonderful printed on canvas for a natural look. Visit the Blue Highways Gallery Facebook page to see some examples.
New images will be added periodically.
Images from the Gallery, Portfolio can be added to the store on request.
Australia’s Brumbies. The wild horses of the high country and the forests.
Their lives are endangered. They are being trapped and culled by
the State Governments. Some of the horses are being rehomed and
looked after in sanctuaries. Many being shot and killed in a cruel and inhumane manner.
A high country, beauty, revisited.
Another chance encounter with this high country, brumby. After over a year and a few visits, I finally got the opportunity to photograph her and her band again.
High resolution downloads are available in the store for the purchaser to print at
home or get an image printed to suit their size, finish and budget.
The warm September sun, in the Australian high country.
The brumbies wander out of the tree line, welcoming the warming spring.
Wild horses a photographic journey, taking me through ten states, over 50,000 kilometers’, photographing the Brumbies and the Mustangs in their environments. Down dusty dirt roads, up in the mountains, forests, the desert, the Badlands, high plains, the tropical north and out on the open range. Quiet moments out with the wild horses of the Australian wilderness and the American west. The journey continues.
The wild horses as well as many of the landscapes look wonderful printed on canvas. Shown here from the Blue Highways Gallery are the mustangs and a Barmah Brumby on a wood grain boxed frame canvas.
Digital downloads now available. New Images will be added periodically.
Lake Mulwala New South Wales 2022.
Hwy 187 Sierra Nevada Mountains California 2022.
Rusted car, the high plains of Wyoming 2022.
Up on the high plains of New South Wales
Bands of horses, wild horses, the brumbies, readying for the up coming winter. A cool wind blows under the warm sun. Winter coats are growing, the brumbies, resting, grazing, wandering. Wonderful to be fortunate enough to walk quietly among them, watching, observing, them.
Wild Horses, the Brumbies, the Mustangs. Photography, imagery of the horses, in their environment, the mountains, forests, plains, desert and the high country.
Wild Horses, the Brumbies and the Mustangs, a photographic journey.
Wild Horses the Mustangs.
The American Wild Horses, the Mustangs.
I was able to take a trip in August and September of 2022, with the intention of photographing the Mustangs. A road trip over seven weeks and 33,000 kilometers, looking, searching for the Mustangs.
Visiting eighteen states, on speculation to various locations I was again fortunate to be able to walk with the wild horses, observing and photographing them.
The back end of summer, out in the high country. Scattered across many, many kilometers, the brumbies, roam, run, wander. All the places that I go, I have never seen anything like the numbers of horses, as quoted by the “official sources”. It is always wonderful to see, photograph them.
Wild Horses the Brumbies of Barmah.
Late 2022 was a difficult time for both the residents along the Murray River and the Brumbies in the Barmah Forest. Intervention saw the Brumbies, welfare, checked apon by the many wonderful volunteers who speak for the horses. 2023 sees the floodwaters recede, though it may take many months before the public are able to access the N.P. The accompanying image was taken in mid January.
Wild Horses the Brumbies.
High up in the Snowy Mountains of New South Wales, in the Kosciuszko National Park, are the Australian wild horses.
It is always a wonderful experience, to be able to, walk with them, quietly, photographing them as they wander the plains and forests.
To observe them as they go about their day. Not disturbing them or getting in the way. Quiet moments.
The Blue Highways Gallery
The Blue Highways Gallery is in southwestern, New South Wales. The Gallery exhibits a range of images, from landscapes, big skies, highways and horses. There are many images printed on canvas of the wild horses, the brumbies and the mustangs. There is also some commercial imagery and the glass work of world-renowned artist, Sergio Redegalli. Only a short drive from the Murray River towns of Tocumwal, Barooga and Yarrawonga.
The Blue Highways Gallery 32 - 34 Chanter street Berrigan, NSW. 2712.
Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday or by appointment. Phone 0433 772306.
Mark Buttsworth is a south western New South Wales, based, photographer, who has a love of landscapes, big skies, highways and wild horses. Spending many months on the road, photographing, travelling Australia, New Zealand and the United States.